Nokia bringing Waterproof PureView and Lumia Windows Phone devices in Future

Nokiaā€™s Research Center at Cambridge UK are working on an awesome technology called as Superhydrophobic technology . This technology makes the cellphones or any sophisticated electronic devices water resistant. It is inspired from the nature. As the water drops on the lotus leaf it slides down without leaving any wet mark on it. In the similar wayĀ Nokiaā€™s Superhydrophobic technologyalso works. A nano-structured coating is sprayed/coated on the device all over which actually traps the air on the surface and when a drop of water falls on this surface the coating makes the liquid to just float in the air without touching the surface. Hence the Superhydrophobic coated devices makes the droplets to bounces and skid on the surface without spreading across. This technology is in its final stage of development and the Finnish smartphones manufacturer has revealed to add this new and unique technology to its futureĀ PureViewĀ devices andĀ Lumia Windows Phone devicesĀ hence bringing themĀ waterproof handsets category.

Watch this amazing video for more information on Nokiaā€™s Super Dry Nanotechnology.

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Highlighted Features of Samsung Galaxy S III

With its innovation Samsung has integrated some unique features inĀ Samsung Galaxy S IIIĀ which arenā€™t found in any other smartphones. Galaxy S III is programmed in such a way that it understands the intention of the user and responds accordingly.
This article exclusively depicts the unique features of the next galaxy ā€“ Samsung Galaxy S III.

    • SmartStay

SmartStay features is an intelligent feature which keeps the backlight on the phone switched on until you are looking at the phone so that you donā€™t have to touch the display again & again just to keep it alive. Hence with this feature Galaxy S III has the ability to track your eyes movements and control the backlight of the display based on it.

    • SmartAlert

With the Smart alert feature found on the Galaxy SIII will give a gentle vibrating nudge to let you know if you have any messages or missed calls. Your phone will vibrate to notify missed statuses when picked up after being idle.

    • S-Voice

Like Appleā€™s voice assistant Siri, even Samsungā€™s S-Voice listens & understands your voice before responding to it.
It is the advanced natural language user interface, to listen and respond to your words.
For eg: When your phone alarm goes off but you need a little extra rest, just tell the GALAXY S III ā€œsnooze.ā€ Using this feature you can also control the volume, play your favorite songs, send text messages and emails, organize your schedules, or automatically launch the camera and capture a photo. There is no need to open an application to operate, just say what you want and it will do it for you.

    • Social Tag

Galaxy S III has the capability to keep track of your friends and family. The Social Tag feature matches people in photos to the profile images on their contact page and shows their status. So with a glance on the photo you can be up to date with your loved ones.

    • Wireless Charging

An optional feature, with theĀ wireless chargerĀ kit for the Galaxy S III you can git rid of the cords and cables. This kit comes with a charging mat and replacement back door. The phone can be charged by just placing it on the charging mat which is in turn connected to the power source.

    • Pop Up Play

Pop Up Play shows the multitasking capability of the Galaxy S III. With Pop Up Play you can do two things at a time.
The video played can be moved anywhere on the screen while simultaneously doing other tasksĀ (like messaging, email,web search).

    • All Share Cast

With All Share Cast feature the users can connect their Galaxy S III to theirĀ HD SmartTVwirelessly using WiFi technology to immediately transfer smartphone content to a larger display.

    • S- Beam, AllShare Cast, AllShare Cast Dongle, Buddy Photo Share, Face Recognition

Androidā„¢ Beamā„¢Ā feature was initially developed by Samsung for the Galaxy Nexus device along with Google. Based on the user inputs and feedback now Samsung has come up with the expansion of Android Beam version called as S-Beam, a newĀ NFCĀ large file transfer service. S-Beam combines NFC technology with WiFi direct hence making it more powerful & faster. It means the communication is established using NFC but the files are transferred on the WiFi. With this feature you can transfer 1GB of movie file within 3minutes and a 10MB song within seconds by just placing two Galaxy S III devices back-to-back.
For AllShare Cast, AllShare Cast Dongle, Buddy Photo Share, Face Recognition features please watch the below video.

    • Direct Call

If you are messaging someone and instead feel like to call them then by just bringing the phone near to the ears S III will place a direct call to the recipient.

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How does voip and free calling software work?

In this short article i will be explaining briefly about the working of Voip and the free calling softwares.
Technology is evolving drastically in the mobile industry.
Due to the advancement in the carriers fromĀ 2G standards to 3GĀ or in the Wifi technology most of the smartphone users are utilizing this service for making free calls. Basically the free calls happen based on the VOIP technology (Voice Over Internet Protocol).

How does Voip work?
VOIP is a revolutionary technology. It is a protocol framed for transmission of text, images, voice and other multimedia signals over the internet. In other words, Voip is a method of converting our voice signals into digital data and transmitting it on the internet using the TCP/IP (Ethernet) protocol. Voip packs the data (data packets) before transmitting them over the internet. With voip you can make call all over the world using internet connection/wifi instead of your service providerā€™s network. Hence voip has many advantages compared to the traditional phone system like, the call rate are very cheap, most of the times they are free (depends on the source & destinations locations, mode of phone call (pc to pc etc)). Call can be placed using mobile phones, IP Phones, PC and even traditional telephones connected to the Voip adapter called as ATA ā€“ Analog Telephone Adapter. As the traditional telephone doesnā€™t have the Ethernet module inbuilt for digital data transmission so this ATA device helps to overcome this limitation. It basically includes the necessary software and hardware which converts our voice into digital and transmits it over the internet. Voip is also called as Internet telephony or IP telephony and is very helpful for business purposes. Cisco, Nortel, Tesco are some of the manufacturers of IP telephones

How does free calling softwares work?
Softwares likeĀ Skype, Viber, Tango are the free calling softwaresĀ which can be used on iPhones, Android, Windows Phone and Symbian Os based smartphones. With these software one can make free video/voice calls locally or over a long distance. They can be downloaded freely from the app store or directly from their website. These softwares use the voip technology for making calls. When we place a call using the software app listed above, it actually bypasses the network providerā€™s service (and its charges) and uses the internet for routing the phones calls. Usually these app providers have a voip server which basically services the clients (phone devices). All the phone calls goes through this server before reaching to the destination.

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What is the difference between the CPU and GPU?

Like a PC now most of theĀ SmartphonesĀ specification includes aĀ GPUĀ (GraphicsĀ ProcessingĀ Unit) along with theĀ CPUĀ (CentralĀ ProcessingĀ Unit). Companies likeĀ Intel,Ā ARMĀ andĀ AMDĀ produce the CPU and companies likeĀ Nvidia, AMDā€™sĀ ATIĀ produce the GPU.
CPU and GPU are two very vast and complex topics which cant be explained in one article, my attempt is to give you an overview of the GPU and how it differs from the CPU. So please have the below noted brief overview on both these amazing technologies.


  • What is a CPU?


By the name one can guess what CPU means, it is a central processing unit. It means each event which occur in a system is brought to the CPU for computation. For example a simple MP3 player is a system, it include a small LCD display, buttons, memory, headset, battery and many other internal things which are not visible to the user. Now i am writing this article with the help of a keyboard, so every letter pressed is sent to the CPU for execution. The main execution unit consists of the Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU). This unit consists of complex algorithms written by the ALU engineers and these algorithms are executed by the transistors for the final output. CPU needs clock to run, i can relate it to the heart beats. CPU is connected to the other members of the system via bus on a printed circuit board. Most of the CPU manufacturers integrate peripherals like RAM, ROM, input/output ports etc along with CPU in a single chip and such chips are called Microcontrollers. CPU performs Integers calculations like add, sub, mul, div and other logic operations. It cant calculate a floating point, the main reason could be that floating point algorithms are more complex than arithmetic algorithms. So as the complexity increases the power consumption also increases hence dissipating more heat and reducing the life cycle of it.


  • What is a GPU?


GPU is also a processor made up of complex algorithms and millions of transistors but it is designed for a specific purpose, i.e Graphics Processing. Even GPU require clock to operate and it is much faster than the CPU. Because its computation methods are very complex which includes parallel processing, geometry, trigonometry and floating point calculations that re necessary for graphics rendering. It consists of 100ā€²s of cores and it can be seen on a Graphics card or video card which are used in the systems. Main application of a GPU is to render/translate the stored Image/Video onto display unit as quickly as possible. Since GPU works a lot faster than a CPU it dissipate more heat and hence requires a cooling unit. If i play a video in myĀ smartphone, GPU starts storing the video part by part in the frame bufferĀ (like a RAM)Ā in background and triggers these parts one by one to play the video. So GPU does lot of computations before a image or video is displayed. And these computations are performed very fast. The speed is achieved by its complex pipeline architecture and parallel processing ability. Modern GPU use many filter and shaders to display the image more cleaner and crisper.

Best combination of CPU and GPU delivers the best performance and throughput of the system.

Below picture shows the visual realism achieved from modern GPUs like NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX.

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What is a NFC technology and what are the NFC Tags?

  • What is a NFC Technology?

NFC (NearĀ FieldĀ Communication) is a wireless communication protocol which uses radio signals for communication similar to the RFID technology. Using NFC technology communication can be established between two Active devicesĀ (active devices means powered devices like a phone)Ā or between an active and a passive deviceĀ (passive devices means non-powered deives like a NFC Tag). Communication takes place at a very near distanceĀ (short distance)Ā hence the name. The speed or the transfer rate ranges from 106Kbps to 424Kbps hence restricting it for small data exchange. Because of its simplicity it has got widespread popularity and many developers are developing new features using this technology, for example ā€“Ā NFC based Android BeamĀ feature for Android Smartphones working onĀ IceCream SandwichĀ Platform. Sony has produced theĀ Xperiaā„¢ SmartTagsĀ using this technology for itsĀ XperiaĀ lineup likeĀ Xperia S.

  • What is a NFC Tag?

Before explaining a NFC Tag let me give you a simple example corresponding to it ā€“ Companies provide RFID based Id cards/badges/tags to their employees for access. An unique Identification information of an employee is stored into this tag. These tags send this ID information to the RFID readers as soon as they come in contact with them. These tags are passive devices, it means they donā€™t have any battery in them, they are powered while communicating with a RFID reader. In the similar wayĀ NFC TagsĀ also store some information in them & are passive devices and takes the power from the NFC reader during communication. These tags will be having a micro-chip built in them which helps in storing the required information.Ā Cellphone manufacturersĀ program these tags with the information. As soon as the tag comes in contact with the NFC reader (NFC enabled smartphone) it uses the field and transmits the information to the reader.

  • What kind of information can be stored in a NFC Tag?

Information or commands like –
– Switch on the Bluetooth, Gps navigation or Wifi
– Change the wallpaper, Turn on the alarm app
– Switch to silent mode, send sms, play tracks
– Start an application, open an url etc can be stored in a tag.

These commands are sent to reader during communication from which the reader can decode it and perform the function.

Sony Xperia SmartTagsĀ are compatible withĀ HTC One X. Download a smart-tag application called asĀ LiveWareā„¢Ā from the Google Play to use these smarttags with other NFC smartphones.
Xperia SmartTags costs around $32 and weighs about 2g.

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