As reported earlier, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has launched its much awaited Pantel made Penta T-PAD IS703C low cost tablet yesterday in Indore. Along with T-PAD 703C BSNL has also launched Penta TPAD-IS701C tablet.
People can see the demo of these tablets at five outlets based at Nehru Park, Radhe Computers, Orbit Mall, City Centre and Jauhri Palace.
Features & Specifications of BSNL Penta T-PAD IS703C Android 4.0 Tablet:
โ CPU: ARM Cortex A8 1GHz processor
โ O/S: Android 4.0 Icecream Sandwich
โ Internal Storage: 8GB Nand Flash
โ TF card/microSD card: expandable upto 32GB
โ Display Size: 7 Inch, 16:9, 800*600 pixels
โ Touch Screen: WVGA LCD High Quality Capcitive Multi Touch Screen
โ G-Sensor: Rotator Screen, 3D Games
โ Camera: 0.3MP with 640 X 480 Pixels resolution
โ Video: 1080p
โ Wifi 802.11b/g/n
โ USB: Micro USB + USB
โ 3.5mm Audio Jack
โ No Bluetooth
โ Pre installed Skype, QQ & MSN messenger apps
โ Battery: Li-poly 4000mAh
โ Flash Support: Adode Flash 10.1
โ Email: Send/receive email online
โ Audio Format: Supports MP3/WMA/APE/FLAC/AAC/OGG/AC3/WAV
โ 1year Manufacturer warranty